Student Membership

We believe that self employment is a viable and exciting option for people leaving College and University today.
In these economic times, when jobs for graduates are hard to come by, self employment can offer you the opportunity to control your own destiny and career options.

Essential enterprise resources to enhance your studies

As a member, you have access to a wealth of knowledge, helping you learn and keep up-to-date on the latest thinking in enterprise and entrepreneurship. Join today to:

  • gain access to our enterprise learning resources – helping you study smarter
  • access a range of online tools, webinars and our mentoring programme
  • get access to our monthly publication ‘Think Enterprise’ including the archive
  • get answers to your enterprise questions from other members and our resident experts.

Annual Membership


Benefits of Membership


Start conversations, network and learn from our community of entrepreneurs. Ak questions and get the support you need.

  • Ask questions in our unique Q&A and get answers from other members and our resident experts
  • Join groups to network with likeminded people
  • Discuss the latest topics in enterprise and entrepreneurship
  • Find inspiration at our events

The online member community is available through our Campus platform.


Practical and inspiring resources to support your entrepreneurial journey and keep you up to date in the fast changing world of enterprise:

  • Enterprise checklists covering all aspects of running a business
  • Business plan builder
  • Online learning modules
  • Practical webinars
  • Research and policy reports

All accessible across a range of devices.


Our ‘member to member’ online mentoring service is designed to provide you with practical support all levels of your enterprise journey.

The programme is unique in that its focus is on improving enterprise skills. Through the programme, more experienced entrepreneurs and enterprise professionals share their skills and experiences to help others further develop their entrepreneurial skills. Mentoring provides the opportunity for a learning experience for both Mentor and Mentee and elevates knowledge-sharing to a practical level.

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Entrepreneurial Development Initiative.

All rights reserved.